If you could see into the future đź”®

Intuition, spiritual guidance, the holy spirit (whichever resonates), might be foreign or unusual to logical types. The importance of experience beyond the material world, is evident during moments of crisis. For example, emptiness at the height of success, a tragic accident or growing up with wealth that doesn’t satisfy. In stories of spiritual transformation, moments of great turmoil or an experience with divinity precedes transformation. Saul of Tarsus, Martin Luther, Nelson Mandela and Mother Teresa are useful cases. Being a socially mobile young adult has exposed me to individuals from all walks of life. From different faiths, ethnicities and socio-economic status. There’s something I continually experience. No matter the background, the presence of faith and surrender to a source beyond the self, produces something remarkable.

The story of Job, Artist Unknown

It’s difficult to describe, but it’s hard to miss. With emotional intelligence this can be observed. For example, person A might treat a stranger fairly. Conversely, person B might encounter someone and treat them equitably. At the core, it might be their perception of people, shaped by their spiritual beliefs that produces this difference. It doesn’t matter whether this person is rich or poor. The chase for wealth, success and power. Longevity is dependent on specific personal qualities and attributes.

Jesus and the rich young ruler; Mark 10

Christ teaches in Mark 10:25

“It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, than a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven”

With wealth, the future appears secure through financial stability. Add solid networks and connections, and it might be unsurprising when success arrives. In some ways, it is possible to see the future.

Do not be mistaken, saints and sinners are two sides of the same coin. We are all offenders and transgressors. There are attributes and skills that are built through struggle. Maybe some of us were set on a different path, to display something unique about divinity within us. The glory of God is magnified in the most challenging circumstances. A friend once said “Mary, there are no coincidences in life”. The more I live, the more I experience this as truth.

Life is filled with contradicting experiences. As thirty approaches, something glorious seems to be happening. Dots are connecting, joy abounds and peace is setting in. Not a constant state of euphoria or bliss; but a steady flow of every emotion, without resistance. I can’t see into the future and if I could, I wouldn’t. For me, what doesn’t exist materially, comes through faith. The frustration of a journey is wanting to control, wanting to see the end from the beginning. I would rather take action and be in the business of being present in my life.

That’s so Raven, a series by Disney channel (released in 2003)

Raven Baxter spent four seasons trying to change the future. Each escapade agonising, exasperating and at times, terrifying. Her resistance led to more suffering. Despite Raven’s concerns, her visions occurred and in ways she couldn’t have predicted. The shame she envisioned, resulted in grace; pain became relief and possible punishment resulted in great mercy.

The first verse of the That’s so Raven’s opening song:

If you could gaze into the future, you might think life would be a breeze. Seeing trouble from a distance, but it’s not that easy.

Wealth can lead to higher levels of certainty, but how we rise or fall, isn’t something any of us can control. That is scary to consider and scarier to experience; you can read all about it in the biblical story of Job.

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